Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// about service

We Provide Best
SEO Training

What is SEO

  • Learning Objectives & Outcomes
  • SEO 101 — Basic Tutorial
    • Who, what, when, where, why, how?
  • SERP Defined
    • SERP attributes
    • Changes in SERPs
  • Webcrawlers and Search Engine Indexing
    • How pages show up in results
    • Understanding page caching
    • Robots.txt: Blocking pages from indexation
    • Archive.org’s Wayback Machine: Finding old cached pages
  • Search Algorithms
    • History
    • Top Search Algorithm Ranking Factors
    • Recent Trends
Web Design

SEO Site Audits

  • Learning Objectives & Outcomes
  • Technical SEO Site Audits
  • Basics of a Technical Site Audit
    • Why site audits are important
    • What’s included
      • Accessibility
      • Crawlability
      • Indexation
      • Sitemaps
      • Robots.txt
      • Image Alt Attributes
      • Title Tags
      • Header Tags
      • Anchor Text
      • Breadcrumbs
      • Structured Data/Rich Snippets
  • Crawling & Indexing
    • Crawlability
    • Site Structure
    • 404 errors & broken links
    • Indexation
    • Inclusion Ratio
    • Sitemaps
    • Blocked pages (Robots.txt, noindex)
    • Duplicate content
    • Mobile SEO Site Audit
    • Accessibility Analysis
  • Tools
    • Screaming Frog
    • Ahrefs
    • Moz
    • Spyfu
  • Backlink Audit
    • Overview
    • Link Neighborhoods
    • Anchor Text
    • Total Link Increases
    • Dofollow vs. Nofollow
    • Earned Links
    • Editorial Links
    • E-A-T
    • Measuring Link Building Success
  • Link Removal & Disavow
    • Why remove links?
    • Choosing links to remove
    • Outreach backlink removal
    • Disavowing links
  • Content Audit
    • Why a Content Audit?
    • Process
      • Complete Content Asset List
      • Gather Data on Each Asset in a Spreadsheet
        • Organic Traffic
        • Bounce Rate
        • Conversion Rate
        • Backlinks
      • Content Data Analysis
      • Determine Next Steps
        • Beef it up
        • Leave as-is
        • Redirect to Similar
        • Delete it to a 404 page

SEO Agency Fundamentals

  • Learning Objectives & Outcomes
  • Finding New Prospects
    • Creating Buyer Personas for Prospecting
    • Developing Your Sales Funnel
    • Who to Target
  • SEO Agency — On/Off-site Marketing
    • Creating Compelling Case Studies
  • Calculating Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)
    • Why?
    • How to
    • Paid Campaigns
  • Mining Prospects
    • Initial Contact
    • Subsequent Contact + Follow-ups
  • Managing Client Confidentiality
  • SEO Client Pitching & Proposals
    • SEO Audit
    • Proposal Outline
    • Client Contracts
  • How to Tell if Your SEO Agency is Trustworthy
  • How to Sell SEO Services
  • SEO Pricing Models
  • Client Onboarding
  • Client Reporting
// our clients

We are Trusted
15+ Countries Worldwide

Emilia Clarke
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Emilia Clarke
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Emilia Clarke
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Emilia Clarke
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."